What do your employees need?

Why Training is Important

Skills enhancement plays an important role in improving productivity of the labour force, maintaining the competitive nature of the economy in the face of globalization, and ensuring that new technologies and advancements are efficiently adopted. The Yukon’s Skills and Trades Training Strategy outlines this in more detail. Read more...

To meet the productivity challenges of the future,
many people will need to improve their knowledge and skills.

The following resources show why training is important and provide you with insight on the many benefits as well as initiatives underway across the country. Use them to help you make informed decisions on your companies’ training initiatives.

Business Case for Embedding Essential Skills

ESSH stands for Essential Skills through Safety and Health. One of the missions of the ESSH project is to demonstrate the business case for embedding literacy and essential skills in health and safety training. Read more on this project.

Interactive Online Assessment Tool

The Canadian Plastics sector is launching an interactive website in December 2011 that will include an online assessment tool. This project also focuses on the fundamental skills to improve workers’ productivity levels, their safety records, and their technical capacity to perform certain tasks.

Literacy Levels Impact Employers

Literacy is often measured on a prose and document literacy scale of 1 to 5. Level 3, equivalent to high school completion, is the desired threshold for coping with the rapidly changing skill demands of a knowledge-based economy and society (International Survey of Reading Skills (ISRS), 2005).

Four out of 10 adult Canadians, age 16 to 65 – representing 9 million Canadians – are considered illiterate. (Adult Literacy and Life Skills (ALL) Survey, Statistics Canada and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2005).

Literacy skills and workplace health and safety will encourage more employers to invest in developing workplace literacy. Many employers are not aware of the impact of literacy skills on workplace health and safety or on productivity. Read more


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